
Mahatma Gandhi offered these words of wisdom nearly a century ago, and they are perfectly suited for the times in which we are living: “The future depends on what you do today.”

Every day, I encounter examples of exploding benevolence and generosity all around me. Of course, front-line healthcare workers are the most obvious examples, as they literally put their lives at risk and put their own needs aside in order to help bring healing and comfort to complete strangers. Medical professionals and first responders are the heroes of 2020 in every way.

I am moved to tears when I think about those who have risen to the occasion of this global pandemic in order to be of service. Transportation workers who keep our cities moving, restaurants and grocery stores that have completely retooled their operations and safety guidelines in order to continue nourishing us, delivery people and postal workers who bring our purchases and supplies right to our door so we can be safe and comfortable inside our homes, social service agencies that valiantly attempt to carry on their mission with the tremendous financial and operational challenges presented by the pandemic, educators who have had to re-create their entire teaching methodology, and so many many more…..

Even though everything has changed, somehow our lives keep moving forward thanks to the kindness and generosity of others. Acts of selflessness and compassion, large and small, define the times in which we live: indeed “The future depends on what you do today.” Whether our contribution is always wearing a facemask in order to keep others from getting sick, or whether our contribution is to work grueling 12 hour shifts in the ER, we are all working together and rising to the occasion. We will get through this difficult time and it will transform us in positive ways!

Those of us called to be Lightworkers know we co-create our future, and I have spoken with many students feeling a strong desire to ramp up their service to humankind. My own life’s work is to introduce others to the Akashic Records as an unlimited resource of wisdom and inspiration for personal transformation. I am seeing a growing number of students who want to not only serve as an Akashic Records practitioner, working in the Records for themselves and others, but also want to become teachers, empowering the spiritual independence of others. This thrills me!

Stepping into my Teacher Training and Certification program, students not only raise their own level of consciousness, but also teach others how to develop a productive relationship with the Akashic Records. Conscious alignment of Heart and Soul brings us closer to reaching our fullest potential and I truly admire everyone who steps up to this path.  My staff and I have worked hard to streamline this path to Teacher Certification so you are fully trained and confident to effectively begin teaching as quickly as possible.

I invite you to take this question to your own Heart and Soul: “If the future depends on what I do today, what can I do today to ensure the future I most desire?” and I invite you to consider expanding your work in the Akashic Records to be of service as a recognized leader.   Now is an ideal time to take a look at the Teacher Training page of my website to learn more about making an inspired choice for yourself and those you serve.