Linda Howe
Welcomes You
Linda Howe Welcomes You
Who is Linda Howe?
Who is Linda Howe?

A Spiritual Pioneer, first to provide the world community with a key to unlocking the Akashic Records, a dimension of consciousness containing the vibrational record of everything that every soul has ever thought, said, and done
A Practical Visionary working to promote applicable spiritual principles and truths that transform the quality of everyday life
A Master Teacher and Award-Winning Author doing her part to ignite the Light of Awakening Spiritual Awareness across the globe
For the current Monthly Newsletter of the Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies, please click here.
Background & Education details, please click here.
For Linda Howe’s Electronic Press Kit, please click here.
For a selection of recordings of media appearances and interviews, please click here.
Linda’s Journey
Linda’s Journey

More than 25 years ago, I first heard the word “Akashic.” I can never forget the sense that someone had pressed a key on the piano, mirroring the sound of my soul. Even though the Sanskrit word was foreign to this Midwesterner, there was something familiar about it. I later learned that it referred to the primary substance of life: that from which all things are formed. How perfect — because when I accessed my own Akashic Records, it was as if I had “come home.” This is what I’d been searching for, ever since a transformative experience at 24, when I’d felt an overwhelming sense of the Divine Presence and the Oneness of all creation.
In the sacred infinity of the Records, I was empowered and transformed as I began to receive exactly the extraordinary wisdom, practical guidance, and energetic support that I needed. I started to understand my story: who I had been in other lifetimes and why I am here on earth now. And, as time went on, I learned I could count on the Records to never let me down.
In that seismic reverberation a quarter-century ago, my life’s passion was born: helping other seekers, like you, come to know yourselves through the unconditionally loving and wise lens of the soul. Light meeting Light, this is how we transform the world!