
Publishing a book is a wonderful thing. When I released “How to Read the Akashic Records” back in 2010, the prevailing opinion in the world of spiritual teaching was that access to the Akashic Records needed to be restricted to people who have attained specific attunements and significant training.

In contrast to that viewpoint, my Pathway Prayer Process to Access the Heart of the Akashic Records brought this infinite source of wisdom to everyone who seeks access through a prayer and simple protocols. Now in 2024, there are countless books on how to access and work in the Records, in every language imaginable, and many thousands of seekers all across the planet who are tapping into this amazing resource.

Each time I write a book, I do my best to convey the information at hand, and then I send the book out into the world, trusting that those who will read the book are ready, willing, and able to move forward in this area.

In a traditional class setting, a teacher is able to answer questions as they arise, but with a book, a teacher is only able to trust that the information speaks for itself, and the lessons are conveyed clearly and accessibly.

Lately, I’ve been reflecting on the many questions that come to me (and my team) from students all over the world and at every level of spiritual development. I hope this listing is helpful in answering some of most popular questions:

The Records Are…

  • Available to all who seek them. Religious affiliation does not affect a person’s right to access the Record or to have their Records opened.
  • From the “Akasha,” a Sanskrit word and meaning “primary substance” – that out of which all things are formed. The Record is known in every spiritual tradition. For example, in the Judeo-Christian tradition as both “The Book of Life” and “The Book of God’s Remembrance.”
  • Filled with the wisdom and energetic input that can be inspirational and supportive to artists and entrepreneurs, healers and scholars, and all adults of every vocation and avocation.
  • Supportive in making the fundamental shift from self-reliance to Divine reliance.
  • A blessing made available to us so that we can embrace our reality and enjoy the life we are living.
  • A soul level spiritual resource. Everyone has a soul.  Everyone has the right to work in the Records.
  • A spiritual support enabling us to have a more conscious relationship with our own soul.

The Akashic Records Are Not…..

  • Trance channeling. A state of full consciousness is maintained at all times.
  • Religion, or favoring any particular religion.
  • Fortune telling, or for manipulation of people or events.
  • A fishpond of fascinating stories about past lives.
  • Phenomenal, sensational, or creative visualization.
  • A contest. Everyone works at their own perfect pace.
  • A substitute for human relationships or community support.
  • An opportunity to escape ordinary life and the human experience.

Please feel free to explore my website to learn about my six books and my On Demand classes available to support you on your Akashic Journey. Your Akashic Records are YOURS, and it is my life’s work to give all seekers the tools and information they need to live in the Light of the Akasha.