
As the year 2024 draws to a close and we arrive at the dawn of 2025, we enter into a time of year-end responsibilities, holiday gatherings, and an accelerated social calendar. So much fun, but also an extra dose of stress added to our already turbocharged lives!

In addition to the normal December hustle and bustle, in the larger context, we are living in a time of accelerated change, and it is perfectly normal to feel anxious and uncertain. Please believe me when I assure you that you have absolutely everything you need to move forward and bring your soul’s purposes to life.

When things are moving quickly and chaotically in the world around us, our best option is to dig deep to find the peace within, to help us stay grounded, and to help us take the best possible actions for our good and for the good of everyone connected to us.

When we access the Records, using the Pathway Prayer Process©, we enter into a kind and respectful sanctuary. A dimension of light, peace, and goodness governed by the three Akashic Absolutes: Fear Not, Judge Not, and Resist Not. This is a very safe space for us, by its very nature! When we are in the Records, we feel at ease.

In my experience, the Akashic Records help me to live in the present: to be here now. The present is our reality and our gift.

Whether with the Records open or the Records not open, I hope you with join me in this exercise to help navigate the present with a profound sense of joy and satisfaction.

Please join me in taking a conscious breath and draw into yourself the energy of peace that has been supporting human beings on the planet since the beginning of time. Let that peace come into your inner world, and release anything that is not peace as you exhale.

And one more time, take into your body the Presence of Peace, coming into you personally on your own breath, moving both into the very vulnerable parts of you and into the very powerful parts of you. As you exhale, allow yourself to surrender to that presence.

See yourself as you are seen in the Light. See yourself, experience yourself, being at peace as you are in your home, or at work, or driving in the car, or at the grocery store, or taking a stroll in nature. Be in the present, be here now, experiencing your life, and knowing that your life is perfect.

I wish you peace and light and many blessings during this holiday season and in the year ahead!