
The Akashic Records are the vibrational archive of every soul and its human journey. Individual Records include the pattern of our Divine potential and corresponding stories of our lifetimes as we awaken to this potential and live it in the world.

Emerging from our soul, the Akasha connects us to our Source. I like to think of it as the spiritual connective tissue holding us steady as we grow to fully embrace our oneness with the Divine.

We need not possess sophisticated intuitive skills or be psychic to work in this arena. The more we engage in the Akasha, the stronger our intuition becomes. In this sanctuary of infinite kindness and respect, we can explore our hopes and dreams, and also discern appropriate actions for expressing them in the world.

A distinguishing feature of the Akasha is the energy presence focusing on us! Through guidance, insight and suggestion, engaging with our Records helps us more responsibly make choices and take action, and even more so, encourages us to stand in the truth and expression of our Divine potential.

One of the most exciting aspects of working in the Records is applying the belief that everyone is always doing their best! Every one of us… Always!

We are learning how to recognize the perfection of our souls and to expand our awareness of our essential goodness. This life-changing perspective has the power to propel us out of futile struggles to change the past or people in our lives. Instead, the Records move us into an ExtraOrdinary experience of unconditional love of ourself and others. 

I am honored and pleased to share this journey with each of you! Onward!