These days, it seems like all of us feel either somewhat, or very, overwhelmed much of the time! News cycles zip around our planet at breakneck speed, and stories about conflict, fear, pain, and divisiveness seem to be inescapable.
We face uncertainty in many areas of our lives, and our relationships with ourselves and others can suffer. Often, we just don’t know what is true and what is not.
For most of our pressing contemporary questions, of course, we all want to know, “If I work in the Akashic Records, will I be able to make peace with this situation or solve this problem?” I make no guarantees, because I don’t know. I don’t know if you will open the Records, and then the next day you won’t feel overwhelmed anymore. But what I do know is this: I know that working in the Records you can actually discover how many of the most vexing problems started; the point of origin. And then you can really work with it.
Everything you have, even feelings of anxiety and fear, at some level, somewhere in some lifetime, was a good thing. Any difficulty that we have today was a good thing for us at another time and another place. In reflecting on the Akashic Absolutes: Fear Not, Judge Not, and Resist Not, we create a very safe space for us, by their very nature!
When we are in the Records, we start to see that we change our relationship with our difficulties. We change that relationship and we stop trying to push our difficulties away; stop trying to get rid of them. I’m not saying that we like them, but when we really see how our difficulties have been supporting us in some way, what happens is that the difficulties begin to dissolve.
Your relationship to the difficulty can be transformed by working in the Records. This is a matter of empowerment, and working in the Records is about personal empowerment. When you are committed to exploring this and applying what you learn, one of two things will happen. One is that the problem will go away, and the other is that you will find a way not to suffer about it. The bottom line is you will feel better.
Always remember, we like to plan for perfection, but we know we must live with reality. Our reality is living in this exact time, in this exact space, with these exact circumstances. And it’s good, it really is good.
Immersion in the Akashic Records is the best way I know to keep my head above the fray of everything that goes on in our complicated world. When we choose to be a point of Akashic Light, instead of contributing to negativity and chaos, we take a giant step toward a brighter future for us all.
The Pathway Prayer Process to Access the Heart of the Akashic Records© offers a deep dive into the treasures of timeless wisdom. I invite you to consider some of the options offered in this newsletter and on our website, including our new Premier Membership and our 2025 Teacher Training and Certification course, to deepen your relationship with the Records and immerse yourself in the treasures available to you.