
No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow. 

As I write this, the winter weather is still with us in Chicago, but the days are growing longer and the sky is transforming from icy gray to brilliant blue. Earth is beginning to awaken, and the overall energy level has reached a new high.

With awakenings come changes, and with changes come the possibility of making decisions that can lead to unanticipated consequences. I don’t call them “mistakes,” because we ALWAYS make the best possible choices based on the information we have available at any given time. We make choices we believe are best for ourselves and those we love. With every decision, every time, without fail, we stay on our Soul’s path.

All of life is “the path.” Every element, experience, detour, failure, blind alley, every single aspect of life is part and parcel of the path. Sure, there are different segments of the path; some are quite pleasant, others not so much. But, in truth, based on the essential idea of Oneness, everything is the path.

We need not fret about veering off the path, because it is impossible to do so. And know that we will at times feel lost, confused, derailed, among a spectrum of other experiences included on the path. Be gentle and kind with yourself and others, and accept your own choices, and the choices of others, as decisions that were the best possible choices at the time.

We cannot possibly leave or stray from the path. The twists and turns are all part of our life’s sacred journey.