
Happy New Year! The idea of “oneness” is very popular. It can seem like a goal or aspiration based on erroneous thoughts. We may have thought that we need to generate connection with others to achieve a state of oneness. Or that we must activate our connectedness with our thoughts or actions. Some of us have attended networking groups in the hope of experiencing strong bonds of relationship. These are fine notions, but the reality of oneness is slightly different. 

Shining Akashic Light on this topic, some outstanding ideas come into focus. First, we are already and have always been One. We have never been separated. We are naturally woven together with invisible bonds of light, which are experienced as human emotion. Sometimes, these feel like love and other times we experience our connectedness through a variety of other emotions, specific to our relationships. 

There is nothing we can do to fuse ourselves to others, because it is already a fact of our existence. We are one. There is no way to ignore, diminish or reject this reality. There is also no way to ignite our oneness, since it already exists. We may go to great lengths to distance ourselves from others but our connection endures. Even when we do not like it or want it. 

Our infinite, eternal connection is the delivery system for the goodness of life. The only way life can find us and get what we need to us, is by the connections we have. Life travels through people, as people. Our oneness is the invisible superhighway for the transmission of ideas, actions, and even things. Very few of us live in total isolation for this reason. There are rare experiences of people residing on the mountaintop or cave to discover the value and limitations of being alone. But these are the exception rather than the rule. 

What stimulates our Oneness, is our awareness of this condition. This is an ideal time for us to focus on the reality of our already existing oneness with others, and life as we turn our attention away from old ideas of separation and isolation. We look to the ways in which we are connected to one another, the benefits of this situation as well as the challenges. This is an excellent way to honor our Oneness.